Friday, July 31, 2009


woww!!!!! so damn freakin long i didnt blog. my line got somethin wrong de... SO STUPID!!!!

meanwhile a lotttttttttttttttttzzzzzz of stuff happened. so im gonna write all today... my be almost haha...I finally chosed to join college n i joined Kasturi College.Next week exam aready lu!!! so damn fast.... fuuuu... My friends are amazing!!!! last month i went to Kosmo World with them n it was fun!!!! Again god has given me great friends and i thank him for that... these r some pics at ts...

kalai n me...

me at dizzy izzy...

my best buddy chandra n minie...

Next would be anugerah cemerlang.i was so happy to meet my friends again!!!! it was damn freakin fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
cindy,theng,joyce,san, n me....

joyce,theng,me n san....

me cindy n durggi... hehe
And then THE BEST THING!!!!!!!! I when to watch man utd game !!!!!!!!!!!!! wa lauuu it was fun to watch it live!!!!!!!!!!!GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED!!!!!
Finally tomorrow is my PROM NIGHT.... im going with my buddies... most of them r dancin,so i'll be with nana n then sham n chandra will join... hope so it'll be fun... lookin forward it!!!!!