Friday, September 25, 2009

SaD sAd DaY!

Well i had math class sucks that my bus was almost 1 hour late.On only that,my best friend in college had somethin to tell.I was really hoping for a goody goody news but what she said was a swanton bomb!!! She is living college and today is her last day.She told us 1 hour before our class finish.I was drop dead shocked and started crying coz we were so damn close.I love my friends and watever happens its not gonna be complete without her in college.It must be 4 of us.Less even 1 no fun.It hurts so badly not only for me,it hurts for all of us.So me n chandra quickly when to a toy shop and bought a BOLT puppy for her and we're glad that she was happy. Then We when to MCd and crap alot coz we didnt wanna make her last day in college miserable.We were laughing like nobody's business.It was fun.I tried my best to stop thinking about it and pretending that im not really sad but however,it SUCKS that im not gonna see my friend in college anymore.well we'll miss u SHameet!!! our FIS group will never ever ever complete without you....

the FIS.... dats wat people call us...

Shameet and me....
Shameet and chandra
Shameet n nana
Shameet Chandra Nana me n Jeeva